
Code rate example

Code rate example

The code rate is R = k/n. The Hamming distance d between two codewords is the number of positions by which they differ. For example, the codewords 110101 and 111001 have a distance of d = 2. If valid codewords are always at least a distance d = 2 apart, then it is always possible to detect a single error.

  1. What is meant by code rate?
  2. What do we mean by rate code and give some examples?
  3. What is modulation coding rate?

What is meant by code rate?

In telecommunication and information theory, the code rate (or information rate) of a forward error correction code is the proportion of the data-stream that is useful (non-redundant). That is, if the code rate is for every k bits of useful information, the coder generates a total of n bits of data, of which.

What do we mean by rate code and give some examples?

The code rate (or information rate) is a fractional number that expresses what part of the redundant message is actually meaningful. For instance an encoder with 1/3 rate will output 3 bits of message for each bit of data. Therefore, bigger code rates produce stronger codes.

What is modulation coding rate?


This is an indication of how much of the data stream is actually being used to transmit usable data. This is expressed as a fraction with the most efficient rate being 5/6 or 83.3% of the data stream being used.

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