
Fundamental period of exponential signal

Fundamental period of exponential signal
  1. How do you find the fundamental period of an exponential function?
  2. What is fundamental period of signal?
  3. How do you find the fundamental period of a waveform?
  4. What is the period of exp jπt 4?

How do you find the fundamental period of an exponential function?

The exponential function is periodic with a purely imaginary period 2πi: ez + 2πi = ez .

What is fundamental period of signal?

The fundamental period is the least common multiple of T1 and T2. Now least common multiple of T1=3 and T2=7 is 21. Therefore, the fundamental period (T) = 21. (ii) x[n]=cos2[π4n]

How do you find the fundamental period of a waveform?

Periodic Functions

x(t) = x(t + nT). The minimum value of T that satisfies x(t) = x(t + T) is called the fundamental period of the signal and we denote it as T0. Examples of periodic signals are infinite sine and cosine waves. Examples: Given x1(t) = cos(3t), and x2(t) = sin(5t).

What is the period of exp jπt 4?

Explanation: The fundamental period = 2pi/(pi/4) = 8. Explanation: Any two instants, t and t + 2pi will be equal, hence the signal will be periodic with period 2pi. 9.

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