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Imagej macro save image

Imagej macro save image
  1. How do you save an image in ImageJ?
  2. How do I save a macro in ImageJ?
  3. How do I save all images in ImageJ?
  4. How do I save a selection in ImageJ?

How do you save an image in ImageJ?

The File › Save (hotkey: S) menu command will save the image as a TIFF file. Other formats are available (see menu image on the right) and can be accessed by File › Save As…. When the “Save As” dialog is opened, ImageJ will enter the image window's name, plus the appropriate file suffix, as the “File Name”.

How do I save a macro in ImageJ?

To test the macro, use the editor's Macros>Run Macro command (or press ctrl-r). To save it, use the editor's File>Save As command. In the Save As dialog box, enter "Hello_World. txt" as file name, then click "Save".

How do I save all images in ImageJ?

jar to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ / Fiji or refresh menu (Help → 'Refresh Menu') , and there will be a new “Save All” command in the Plugins menu, or submenu. Download Save_All.

How do I save a selection in ImageJ?

A selection can be transferred from one image window to another by activating the destination window and using Edit>Selection>Restore Selection. Selections can be saved to disk using File>Save As>Selection and restored using File>Open.

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