
Sensor error freestyle libre

Sensor error freestyle libre
  1. Why does my FreeStyle Libre say Sensor error?
  2. What to do if Libre Sensor is not working?
  3. Can a FreeStyle Libre Sensor be faulty?
  4. How often do Libre sensors fail?

Why does my FreeStyle Libre say Sensor error?

Why is this happening? The FreeStyle Libre needs a 12-hour calibration period before its readings are considered accurate. This calibration period starts after your first glucose reading and sometimes this message will appear while the sensor is acclimating to your body.

What to do if Libre Sensor is not working?

If readings do not match symptoms or expectations, use a fingerstick value from a blood glucose meter for treatment decisions. Seek medical attention when appropriate or contact Abbott at 855-632-8658 or for safety info.

Can a FreeStyle Libre Sensor be faulty?

If the Sensor is becoming loose or if the Sensor tip is coming out of your skin, you may get no readings or unreliable readings, which may not match how you feel. Check to make sure your Sensor has not come loose. If it has come loose, remove it, apply a new one, and contact Customer Service.

How often do Libre sensors fail?

Freestyle Libre - Sensor failure rate of 40%

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